viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

                       A SONG .................
 I always  have much song  favourite , but today , want talk over song very special ,be is “ La plegaria de un Labrador “ , posses much caracterist , what   making it perfect  , It do not  his letter only , is much more than that,  is his melody , essence and add , actually attracts beautiful sensations  that invite to be reborn in the fight,  what if it relates to the Chilean dictatorship ,take on , much energy and much strenght  . this letter talk of the peasant  what stands out in phrases like "get up and look at you hands" besides having gene is important struggle and commitment
Victor Jara , have  a meaning this is because my father always put a cassette of this singer, who valued a lot then it always gives me great excitement to hear I remember that time with great joy and also a lot of nostalgia .
always think victor jara songs will possess an important place in my history , for now , be selected is this , is the song for this moment of my life , for this context .

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