viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

Hello simon!!
 today about to talk , somethings , I am proud , this is my joining an yuniversity , this is because , i studing in the secundary very very very bad , it was de college of girls , in where provide instruction scientist and humanist whit teachers and misses , very old , already without vocation of teach ,she´s just wanted to retired. there never , we prepared , for yuniversity and for no reason for , make of PSU , in conversely , for lucky we advise at studing in a profesional institute , when ,although of this, I always believed can , enter at the yuniversity , in the special of " the yuniversity of chile ", this was because my parents , instill since very small , I forget the existence of others , not knowing , at difficult was be . when knows my results of the PSU , I arrive a the "FAU"whith my father <3  and talk to students of the degree of geography and was very happy ,my father and me , arrive to house and we told a my mother , we wrent wrong , and she i was sad , and after in the cena , we told , who would enter to study geography, and we were all very happy (:

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