hello SImon!
today I will talk about , why i´m studying geography
I decide to study geography , because I was confused, about what i wanna study . I was thinking in study history or antropology , but I wasn't sure , if some of this will satisfy my interest and needed , when i got my score of psu , I decided to come to college fair at university of Chile and there I start talking whit a girl that was stydy geography an she told me what this carrear is about , she show me the subjetc in the carrear amd I realized that i like and it seems entretained .
When I just started ,I didnt like at all , I thougth that geography was boring and no passionate, beside I had subject too boring like physics and math , in which I had bad grades and didn´t understeand . my classmates , were boring and unfriendly so I didn´t like to come university .But when time passed , it start to like more everyday , and my classmates were everyday more nice and tourn out that geography , and people of the university is really nice and interesting and make me happy .
that's why I study geography C:
martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014
sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014
Hola, hoy a punto de hablar, Donnie Darko, la película más "freak", i va ver, en el último momento, cuando me veo, la revisión, y que hablaba de la película, se mencionó la existencia de un "conejo agradable" , lo hice pensar en algo, más romántico o más easy, por último, me entendía, que estoy equivocado, por último, me gustó.
Me gustó la película, añadir emerger, Drew Barrymore, mi favorito actriss, desde la infancia, es todos los días más divertido, por el contrario, en la película, ella estaba más serio y más complejo. Otra cosa, que me gustó fue
, la banda sonora es muy divertido, Tears For Fears o RE M.
Pero, no me veo bien el último, por lo tanto, perder parte importante de la película, quiero ver thenewly, para entender más, su marco .o al menos de, por último, si bien, lo que yo vi, yo no le gustaba mucho si morí Donnie Darko y sus amigas, no va a ser inolvidable. En resumen, creo, lo que Donnie Darko es una buena película https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iw9Nu_RK9b0
martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014
Hello bloggers, today I will talk about my experiences in the homeland parties.
Well, usually this "holiday" is not purely interest me, this year I went with some friends and went to Ohiggins Park aces were false, it was entertaining ...
There was a year that I really liked, was the 2012 all went south and I was alone in the house, and as you might expect, I invited friends to my house, and among them invited more people, many people came.
With respect to typical Chilean activities do not have an opinion; only is not interest me.
The only activity that bothers me are the national holidays in rodeos; there is nothing more disgusting to see how "scamper" an animal, I hate to be a fun watch as an animal suffers, they have feelings and much healthier than the feelings of "being of superior intelligence" they say we are. Hardly anyone knows the precarious conditions in which they must live animals should be hunger and thirst to be exalted and be able to enjoy ourselves more.

in these two images shows that both horses and cows are exploited.
Is there any activity that seems important to me?
.- Considering that national holidays are not important to me, nor are their activities, but rather something that pleases me is that in this day children go to recreate, can live the life out of their homes, looking around, breathing air "clean", and off a bit of the life that takes place every day, surrounded by technology, individualism, and physical inactivity.
Well, usually this "holiday" is not purely interest me, this year I went with some friends and went to Ohiggins Park aces were false, it was entertaining ...
There was a year that I really liked, was the 2012 all went south and I was alone in the house, and as you might expect, I invited friends to my house, and among them invited more people, many people came.
With respect to typical Chilean activities do not have an opinion; only is not interest me.

in these two images shows that both horses and cows are exploited.
Is there any activity that seems important to me?
.- Considering that national holidays are not important to me, nor are their activities, but rather something that pleases me is that in this day children go to recreate, can live the life out of their homes, looking around, breathing air "clean", and off a bit of the life that takes place every day, surrounded by technology, individualism, and physical inactivity.
viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014
Hello simon!!
today about to talk , somethings , I am proud , this is my joining an yuniversity , this is because , i studing in the secundary very very very bad , it was de college of girls , in where provide instruction scientist and humanist whit teachers and misses , very old , already without vocation of teach ,she´s just wanted to retired. there never , we prepared , for yuniversity and for no reason for , make of PSU , in conversely , for lucky we advise at studing in a profesional institute , when ,although of this, I always believed can , enter at the yuniversity , in the special of " the yuniversity of chile ", this was because my parents , instill since very small , I forget the existence of others , not knowing , at difficult was be . when knows my results of the PSU , I arrive a the "FAU"whith my father <3 and talk to students of the degree of geography and was very happy ,my father and me , arrive to house and we told a my mother , we wrent wrong , and she i was sad , and after in the cena , we told , who would enter to study geography, and we were all very happy (:
today about to talk , somethings , I am proud , this is my joining an yuniversity , this is because , i studing in the secundary very very very bad , it was de college of girls , in where provide instruction scientist and humanist whit teachers and misses , very old , already without vocation of teach ,she´s just wanted to retired. there never , we prepared , for yuniversity and for no reason for , make of PSU , in conversely , for lucky we advise at studing in a profesional institute , when ,although of this, I always believed can , enter at the yuniversity , in the special of " the yuniversity of chile ", this was because my parents , instill since very small , I forget the existence of others , not knowing , at difficult was be . when knows my results of the PSU , I arrive a the "FAU"whith my father <3 and talk to students of the degree of geography and was very happy ,my father and me , arrive to house and we told a my mother , we wrent wrong , and she i was sad , and after in the cena , we told , who would enter to study geography, and we were all very happy (:
viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014
Hello bloguers
Today to talk, over a write
I read in the moment of my life , the true , in the moment are not Reading something specific , but I'm reading a lot of
new things are related whith pag of internet , like blogs and diary alternative
, of diferent type , some of fashion , currently , and social politics ,
somethings diferent of to show what the oficial half comunication , add , are I read a book of permacultura , which makes me very happy because I´m whith
learning a lot about that discipline .
Also read much things over animal´s and nature , I find them
very entertaining ,
viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014
A SONG .................
I always have much song favourite , but today , want talk over song
very special ,be is “ La plegaria de un Labrador “ , posses much caracterist ,
what making it perfect , It do not his letter only , is much more than that, is his melody , essence and add , actually
attracts beautiful sensations that
invite to be reborn in the fight, what
if it relates to the Chilean dictatorship ,take on , much energy and much strenght
. this letter talk of the peasant what stands out in phrases like "get up
and look at you hands" besides having gene is important struggle and
Victor Jara , have a meaning
this is because my father always put a cassette of this singer, who valued a
lot then it always gives me great excitement to hear I remember that time with
great joy and also a lot of nostalgia .
always think victor jara songs will possess an important
place in my history , for now , be selected is this , is the song for this moment
of my life , for this context .
viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014
I had very
bad teacher , so is very disaagreeable , because I think that the teachers can being a big toool , for
develop help , in training of the
Well good ,
i dont how to begining , but select
a two teacher of mathematics , the
first is my miss in primary , she never
teach mathematics , similar a happen simonn . did mockup
in the did squared , for learn
the draw multiply !!!! to dont useful
, more good , did absurd .
then in
high school, I had a math teacher not taught us anything made us work
schoolbook without a care whether learned and always recommended us that if we would consider that we study a
technical career , thought that because perhaps we would not be able going to
college it was so bad teacher, was a female vocation or inclination taught
I always challenged me said it was a bad influence. Although not recall any incident
like simon School was
well fome fome, the class was boring, lacked magic
teachers were out of place, it was perhaps because they did not want to work on
what worked
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